Thursday, June 11, 2009

YEAH, and EVERYbody KNOWS it...

“Experience indicates that the use of force is not necessary to gain the cooperation of sources for interrogation. Therefore, the use of force is a poor technique, as it yields unreliable results, may damage subsequent collection efforts, and can induce the source to say whatever he thinks the interrogator wants to hear.”

-- US Army Field Manual 34-52

It also happens to be against the law.
But what do we expect, what with the police tasering 72-year old grandmothers, and children?

Land of Greed.
Home of the Depraved.
America the Brutal.

What was that dream we once had?
Seemed like it was a good one.
Maybe a great one.
I'm pretty sure that when I was a kid, I was proud of it, not because it had come true, but because we kept dreaming it and kept trying to make it come true.

I can't recall, anymore, what that feeling was like.
And I wonder if I'll ever feel it again.

I miss it.


1 comment:

Tamara Baysinger said...

I remember what that feeling was like.

I still feel it sometimes.

And then I remember why I shouldn't.

And I grieve for it again.