Sunday, November 29, 2009

The Far Side of Sundown

Doesn't seem quite right that long hours and short days go together.
Still dark when I get up.
Dark again long before I'm done.
6 o'clock seems like midnight.
Twilight starts about noon.

But 22 days from now, the Sun will begin it's long journey back to the throne.
Days will start getting longer again, and warmer.

A lot of Winter lies ahead.
And when Winter's at its darkest and coldest,
it's good to remember that it's not going to last forever.
Knowing about the cycle saves you from despair.
Made it through Winters before.
Will make it through this one, too.

Just need a wool coat and a good pair of boots.
Keep Winter on the outside.
It may numb the nose or cheeks.
But not the Heart.



Jonna said...

you broke right to the truth of what I have been thinking these days...

Lori Skoog said...

This is more like it! Well done.

Valerie said...

*sigh* There is beauty in truth. Well said my friend!