Friday, April 16, 2010

My Kind of Herd

I've often said I've never met a horse I didn't like.

But I must say too, that all the Arabians I've met kind of stand out. Maybe my partner has spoiled me, being such a good will ambassador for the breed.

But there's something about them that I find has a particular appeal --- it can be there in any kind of horse, of course, but arabs seem to have a predisposition for it.
I'm not sure if it's intelligence, heart, or a sense of humor or some combination of these -- or something else entirely.

Maybe it's because somebody once described Arabs as having a chip on each shoulder, or because some complain they are too headstrong or assertive or "hot."
To me that sounds like a positive attribute.

I guess I'm a little bit nuts.



Lori Skoog said...

A beautiful herd indeed!

Tamara Baysinger said...

Nah. The tough ones are the best ones. In horses AND men.