Sunday, October 10, 2010

And Haven't Quit Yet

Columbus Day.
Might as well celebrate Adolf Hitler's birthday, too.
After all, the leader of "the thousand year reich" (which fell short by about 990 years) expressed great admiration for how the Americans had handled their "Indian Problem."

Columbus murdered, tortured and enslaved the people who had welcomed him with open arms.
"Thanksgiving" was originally a celebration by English colonists of the murders of a large number of Indians -- not long after those same Indians had welcomed them with open arms...

Do you detect a certain pattern here?

From that time to this, U.S. history has been such a tale of barbarism, brutality and oppression that one must wonder whether the composition of the Bill of Rights was accompanied by hoots and whistles.

We need some new holidays to celebrate.
And some better reasons to celebrate them.


1 comment:

CoyoteFe said...

Every history course is an exercise in disillusionment. I suppose it is easy to love the ideal, but hard to practice it when the required action gets in the way of progress or consumption or, or, or ...