You have always been and before you there was nothing
Give me the vision to see the good in all
Give me the strength to know when I am weak
Give me the courage to face myself when I'm afraid
Let me be a true friend to the poor, the defenseless and the innocent
Let me be a fearsome enemy to the greedy, the violent, the malevolent
Let me always speak the truth
Let me always keep my word
Let me be gracious and dignified in defeat
And humble and gentle in victory
Mitakuye owasin
You have always been and before you there was nothing
Give me the vision to see the good in all
Give me the strength to know when I am weak
Give me the courage to face myself when I'm afraid
Let me be a true friend to the poor, the defenseless and the innocent
Let me be a fearsome enemy to the greedy, the violent, the malevolent
Let me always speak the truth
Let me always keep my word
Let me be gracious and dignified in defeat
And humble and gentle in victory
Mitakuye owasin
Good thoughts (and goals) for today!
Thanks for sharing!
Thanks, Rev.
High praise, indeed.
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