Monday, January 18, 2010


Imagine this:

Somebody kidnaps you and transports you to some foreign place for the purpose of forcing you into prostitution. They plan to sell your body as they please and film the episodes, so they can sell that, too, profiting twice on your enslavement.

But, somehow, you escape.

You get away and make it to safety.

But the ordeal isn’t over yet.

Your kidnappers claim you owe them money.

You owe them for room and board while you were a prisoner.

You owe them for the window you broke during your escape.

And you owe them the money they would have made from using you for prostitution and pornography. They want you to pay them 90% of your gross income – indefinitely.

Does that little scenario sound like a twisted trip to Bizarro World?

Does it seem outrageous?



Guess again.

That’s pretty much the deal Haiti got – thanks, largely to the Good Old USA, --Land of the Free, Home of the Brave – which supported the outrageous demand by Haiti’s former master, France.

See, Haiti is the only country in history to have been founded by a successful slave revolt.

Indeed, the first and only successful slave revolt in history.

And they’ve been punished for it ever since.

There’s more to the story.

A lot more.

It’ll make you sick.

And it should make you angry.

Read about it here:


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