Has somebody gone completely NUTS?????
The Nobel Committee has just awarded the 2009 Peace Prize to President Obama.
When I read that, I thought, “This is a joke.”
It had to be political satire on the “Change” Candidate who turned out to be a Same-Old President at the stroke of midnight.
Let’s see what this guy has done to deserve that “Peace” prize:
- We’re STILL occupying Iraq and Gitmo prison is still going strong.
- Torture, rendition, murder, warrantless spying on Americans are all now practically institutions of the New America. You know, the one that looks a LOT like the Old Nazi Germany.
- Mr. Obama has expanded the war in Afghanistan,
- started a new war with Pakistan,
- and is chomping at the bit to go to war with Iran.
For this, he gets the PEACE prize????
In other news, the Nobel Committee also awarded the prize for medicine to Jack the Ripper.
And the prize for literature went to an anonymous lunatic who wrote obscene grafitti on the bathroom wall with his own feces.
Idi Amin was posthumously awarded “Miss Congeniality.”
I guess standards ain’t what they used to be.
It's perfectly clear...how happy you are. And how did we get involved in these areas????
SP...I had to do a little research before I could comment. It seems the Peace Prize is nothing more that an award out of the guilty conscience of a dead rich man. The definition is for the award to be given "to the person who shall have done the most or the best work for fraternity between the nations, for the abolition or reduction of standing armies and for the holding and promotion of peace congresses". It does not seem to me that Obama has done any of these things. He's merely talked about doing them. Two completely different things.
The President of Finland commented that the award is "an endorsement of his goals", not actually an achievement of those goals. He was also quoted as saying “Of course, this puts pressure on Obama. The world expects that he will also achieve something.”
So what happens if he doesn't achieve anything? Will he give the award back?
Now that it is becoming apparent to Americans that Obama was a great speaker making promises he never intended to keep it is natural Lori and other supporters are going to continue to blame the Bush administration. I'm curious, at what point in Obama's presidency will we cross over from blaming Bush and put the responsibility on Obama? Or does he just get to make excuses his entire term?
p/s Sorry I rambled for so long, but I am growing weary of the support Obama at all costs mentality. I don't believe I've ever met a Democrat who was willing to admit they made a mistake so they'll continue to endorse hot air. (And if he actually does something and proves me wrong that is a win for us all, but it just seems our country is declining in riches and power faster now that he is at the helm).
I am utterly appalled. Again. Still. Appalled and angered, but unsurprised.
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