"I’ve been to 175 countries all around the world including Afghanistan, including every country in that region, and what I’ve seen everywhere I go is that there are some commonalties everywhere you go.
Everywhere you go people want to fall in love. It’s an interesting thing.
Everywhere you go, people love children. Everywhere, they love children.
Everywhere you go, there’s a taboo against violence. Every single place you go.
And everywhere you go, people want to be left alone.
And that’s the best foreign policy of all. Just to leave people alone."
- Alan Grayson
Grayson seems to be a stand-up guy, one of only 32 members of Congress who had the courage to stand up and vote AGAINST more war funding. Not an easy thing to do.
But he's used to doing things that aren't easy.
He worked his way along, got degrees in law and government from Harvard, studied economics.
Was a successful businessman.
As a lawyer, went after corrupt war profiteers and defended whistle-blowers.
Seems possible he's cut from the same cloth as Ralph Nader and one or two other "crusaders."
How he ever got elected, and why he hasn't had a small plane accident or committed suicide yet, I can't imagine.
But judging from his actions, he may just be one of "the good guys."
You can find Grayson's official bio at: http://grayson.house.gov/about/
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