Tuesday, May 4, 2010

In Memoriam

May 4, 1970.
The Ohio National Guard shot and killed 4 unarmed students and wounded 9 more.
The students were protesting Nixon's escalation of the war in Vietnam and the presence of the National Guard on campus.
They had a constitutionally guaranteed right to speak out, to petition the government for redress of grievances, to peacefully assemble.

The National Guard shot them anyway.
None of the killers was ever prosecuted.

Killing unarmed protesters was nothing new in the Land of the Free.
But previously, this practice hd only been used against the poor and non-white.
This time, it was middle-class white kids who got shot.
America was officially devouring its young.

40 years later, we have another illegal, immoral war-for-profit.
And now we have "free speech zones," and rampant wire-tapping, and indefinite detention and "extra-judicial assassination" (otherwise known as "murder") of American citizens by Presidential fiat.

Bye-bye, Miss Ameican pie, the day that Liberty died.


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