Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Don't Try This at Home...!

Or any place else.
'Cause you'll wind up charged with child molestation.
Unless, of course, you're TSA.
Christ, parents have been accused of crimes for less "inappropriate touching" of their own children.

I confess; I'm in a bad mood.
I'm just back from dealing with a situation in which there is way too much power with way too little accountability.

But come ON, people!
Are we supposed to teach our children now than any authority figure can lay hands on them for no good reason anytime that authority wants? Any bully with a badge OWNS your body and you have to submit to them feeling you up, anytime, anyplace for any "reason,"or else.

If "patting down" a six-year-old in this invasive manner ---INCLUDING her pubic area -- isn't a star-spangled, 4th amendment definition of "unreasonable searches." then I just can't imagine what in hell IS.

If we put up with this crap, we're not sinking.
We're sunk!

Liberty & Justice,


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