Saturday, August 9, 2008


Looks like one place I'll be trying to help out is Meadowgate Equine Rescue in Newfield, NY.
They can always use donations of money for feed and vetcare for the ponies, and of kid-sized helmets, boots tack (English or Western). So if you have any old, outgrown riding stuff in the closet...
You can find their website here:

They've got 20+ rescued ponies there now and have brought quite a few back from skin & bones neglect, and abuse.

Another program I applaud was put together by a friend, Dr. Margaret Ohlinger. It's the Finger Lakes Thoroughbred Adoption Program. First of it's kind, and I hope not the last.

They're at:



Lori Skoog said...


i have spoken to the people from the Fingerlakes Program. They have quite a facility. Some friends were there and said it was great. They usually have a booth at the Walnut Hill Driving Competition (next week) with notebooks/photographs of the horses.
By the way...I liked the Montana stuff. Nice job...looking forward to hearing the music next week.
Today I went on a great trail ride in a local felt so good. I need to do that more often.

Spartacus Jones said...

All time spent with your horse is good time. :)


Unknown said...

They make a good work. I was surprised to see how young their horses are. I thought this kind of place rescued especially old horses who could not work anymore.

Thank you for your visit. See you soon.